The Decision of the Ministry of Finance to Cut 20 Percent of the Budget

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The Ministry of Finance has proposed spending cuts in the budget for the current financial year. Finance has decided to cut 20 percent of the budget from the current budget of the federal ministry.

The Ministry of Finance has decided to reduce the expenditure and freeze the expenditure in order to maintain the financial balance of the government by being frugal in the budget and expenditure of the current financial year.

According to which, the approved budget of all ministries and agencies of the federal government will be reduced for fuel, maintenance, office supplies, newspapers, printing and publishing, services and consulting, information system and software operating expenses, travel, and other allowances.

The Ministry of Finance estimates that 10 arba 50 carod rupees will be saved by implementing the decision to cut current expenditure, and by suspending expenditure, programs worth about 14 arba rupees will be postponed.



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