''Teacher Service Merge within the Administration Service'' Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Shikshak Mantralaya)
''Teacher Service Merge within the Administration Service'' Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Shikshak Mantralaya)

Teacher Salary, Allowance and Service Facility Details Approved Program Implementation Manual

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The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has approved the salary, allowances and service facilities of teachers working in public schools.

Permanent teachers in the book, temporary/contract teachers working on posts, teachers working on grant quota, former higher secondary school level teachers working on grant quota, trainers working on technical stream and the details of assistant coaches, subsidized teachers and staff, early childhood development (ECD) teachers’ salaries and school staff management grants are included.

According to the program mentioned in the policy and program and budget statement of the financial year 2080/81, there is provision for the salary allowance, textbooks, school operation, per student cost subsidy for the approved posts and subsidies.

There are also physical facility expansion programs including scholarships, presidential educational reform programs. There are educational programs such as distribution of free sanitary pads for female students studying in public schools, teaching support grants to meet the shortage of teachers at the secondary and lower secondary levels, compensation for educational losses caused by disasters such as Covid-19 and continuity of learning during other disasters, teacher training, development of large schools, and awareness of changed curriculum. .

According to the ministry, a manual has been prepared to maintain uniformity in the implementation of those programs.

The manual also specifies the salary, grade, provident fund, additional insurance fund, festival expenses, clothing facilities, local allowance, technical allowance and principal’s allowance to be received by the teacher.


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