sanghiya shiksha ain
sanghiya shiksha ain

Increase the Facilities of School Staff and ECD Teachers

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Increase the Facilities of School Staff and ECD Teachers

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said that with the release of the Federal Education Act, school staff and ECD teachers will get minimum facilities as per the law.

Responding to a question raised by the lawmaker, Prime Minister Oli said Saturday that the new law would make the facilities of school staff and ECD teachers as standard.

Bhawani Prasad Khapung, a member of the CPI-M of Tehrathum, said that the ECD teacher working in the community school only understands 6,000 monthly and school staff only monthly, from 4,000 to 7,000 monthly.

The Ministry of Education is currently secretly drafting the Federal Education Agen.

The draft of the Education Act, prepared by the Ministry of Education, provides for the one-time opportunity of internal competition for the school staff.

In the draft of the Act, 2059 on May 15, the appointment of the approved status of the school will be received on June 15, 2073, even if they are not in continuous staff service or want to quit.

Paragraph 6 of Article 66 of the Highly Secrets Act states that in sub-section 3 of the heading of school staff, the recruitment of school staff is to be promoted by internal competition for the time being announced from time to time. In addition, school employees are told it will not be age-appropriate to compete in one-time internal advertising.


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