The head of Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Balendra Shah, has instructed institutional schools to provide teachers with the same salary as community school teachers.
Chief Shah instructed to do the same as there is a provision in the Vidyaman Education Act and regulations that teachers of community and institutional schools should have the same salary and facilities.
Stating that the salary of teachers of institutional schools is lower than that of community schools, he has instructed the institutional schools through social media to provide salaries to teachers without reducing the salary scale set by the government of Nepal.
He has made it clear on social media that in Section 12(7)(g) of the Education Act, 2028, teachers of institutional schools should also be paid without reducing the salary scale set by the Government of Nepal.
Chief Shah reminded that it is mentioned in Rule 68 of Kathmandu Metropolitan City School Education Management Regulations, 2074 that salary allowances, pensions, gratuities and other benefits of teachers and employees will not be reduced if they are cut.
Chief Shah has requested to contact the education department of the metropolis if the salary facility set by the government is not received. According to the education department of the metropolis, there are 540 institutional schools in the metropolis.