Which Optional Subjects Have Been Modified This Year

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According to the revised curriculum at the secondary level, elective mathematics subjects have been removed from grades 9 and 10. The curriculum development center has removed the elective mathematics subject from the previous curriculum so that it can be implemented from the upcoming academic session. With the removal of elective mathematics, an additional English subject has been added. Other than that, some of the other subject names and some themes have been modified and some have been added. Additional English subjects added will be taught in Class 9 only.

According to the Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi Bhaktapur, 11 elective subjects have been selected for Class 9. Which will inevitably be implemented across the country from the next six years?

Under the new set of subjects are Class VII in History, Geography, Civics, Sociology, Education, Health and Physical Education, Population Education, Additional English, Auditing, Environmental Science and Computer Science. Similarly, Class VII includes History, Geography, Civics, Sociology, Education, Health and Physical Education, Population Education, Environmental Science, and Computer Science. There are only 8 additional subjects in Class 8.

Along with this, the integers of class 9 and 10 will be dropped from 800 to 700 from the coming academic year. 5 subjects are compulsory and 2 are optional. The local level concerned will be able to add a topic that is relevant to them. For a long time, the secondary level curriculum had not been revised. As per the rules, the curriculum has to be modified every 5-5 years, but the 2064 year course has not been revised. According to Chinakumari Niraula, the curriculum officer of the center, elective subjects will be implemented throughout the country in the upcoming academic session, as determined and changed based on the current context.

According to the new curriculum, after eliminating elective mathematics subjects from grades 9 and 10, it is becoming difficult for students who want to study elective science, medical education, and engineering under science. The upper-level courses, which are based on the secondary level, will now be ‘new’ for the students. Because of this, they have found such topics as ‘Dynamics’, ‘Statistics’ and ‘Statistics’ to be difficult. Mathematics subjects have also been removed from classes 11 and 12. After the mathematics removed from the syllabus 11 and 12, which is to be implemented in the upcoming academic session, it has started to protest.

However, an official said that the curriculum development center did not have the authority to remove the optional subjects of 11 and 12 as the schedule has not been made public. According to him, there has been discussion about removal but no decision has been made yet. Only students in science classes in classes 11 and 12 will study mathematics.


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