Classification of Educational Institution, 70 Marks Dismissed

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Relationships will be terminated if the institution providing medical education does not score 70 marks for two years. According to the report written in the Nepal Newspaper, Ishwar Raj Dhakal, in the heading of classification of medical education institutes, if it does not bring 70 marks, it is mentioned in the rules prepared by the Medical Education Commission.

The rules stated that for the first time since the formation of the Commission, the procedure for releasing the affiliation will be forwarded, with less than 70 points in succession.

The rules stipulate that those who get less than 70 marks be given the opportunity to improve next year and the process of termination of affiliation will not be taken for the ‘C’ category for 2 years.

The meeting, which was held a week before the commission, which is the prime minister’s chairman, has prepared the draft rules and submitted them to the cabinet. The National Medical Education Rules 2076 prepared by the National Medical Education Commission mention the subject of classification of educational institutions. This topic is mentioned in paragraph 13 of the Rules regarding the classification of teaching institutions.

The draft of the Rules prepared by the Commission mentions the classification of teaching institutions from ‘A’ to ‘C’. With the passage of the Commission’s rules, the teaching hospitals will also be classified.

Vice President of the Commission, Prada. Shri Krishna Giri said that the rules of the Commission are in the process of being minuted. According to him, after the minuet of the meeting, the rules will be approved by the Council of Ministers.

The Commission’s meeting, which was held about a week ago, passed the rules. Vice President, Prada, who passed the rules by the Commission to be the Prime Minister. Giri informed. The rules have laid down the basis of classification of the teaching institution providing all types of medical education.

According to the seat number and teaching style, services provided to the masses, physical infrastructure (land, and buildings and furniture), connected equipment and its adequacy, faculty numbers and qualifications, condition of hostel and food management, use of hospital beds, research institutes by the educational institute. There are situations in which action and social responsibility are met

In the Rules, the Commission has arranged for the issuance of an evaluation directory with an index and index to evaluate the specified infrastructure. A score of 90% or above in the score of 100 integers points to ‘A’, 80 to 90 marks ‘B’, ’70’ to 80 ” C ”.
Based on the procedures developed by the Commission, each teaching institution has established its own. It is mentioned that the form should be evaluated and submitted to the Commission.

Commission Member Secretary Dr. Hari Lamsal said that the meeting of the Commission is almost passed, that the cabinet meeting will be decided and we will go into the implementation process as soon as possible.


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