In the financial year 2080/081, 2,253 employees ranging from secretaries to office assistants are getting compulsory retirement.
See who is going on retirement in the current financial year
35 Days in Service Training for Pradesh and Sthaniya Level Employees
50 Thousand 466 Vacancies in Civil Service
Instructions to Rastriya Kitabkhana to Update Personal Details to Employees
Federal Civil Service Bill (Sanghiya Nijamati Sewa Bidek)
Circular of the Ministry to Make Kasamu form Available to Employees from Na.Su to Deputy Secretary
E-Pension Concept Launched by Rastriya Kitabkhana
Staff will Also Pay
Employee Age Limit 60 Years
Resigning by Staff
Technical Staff will Receive Two Grades
35 days in-service training training will be conducted for the staff
Why employee interest increased in federal civil law rather than in local law