Shikshak Sewa Aayog Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level English Subject
Shikshak Sewa Aayog Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level English Subject

Shikshak Sewa Aayog Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level English Subject

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Shikshak Sewa Aayog Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level English Subject:- We will put the Shikshak Sewa Aayog lower secondary level English Subject Exam syllabus in this post.

If you are preparing for Teachers Service Commission (TSC) lower secondary level English subject teacher then you should study the Ni.Ma.Vi English subject exam syllabus published by TSC Nepal.

It is an Open Competitive Written Examination Curriculum of the Lower Secondary Level of Teachers Service Commission.

Shikshak Sewa Aayog Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level English Subject:- We will put the Shikshak Sewa Aayog lower secondary level English Subject Exam syllabus in this post.


Shikshak Sewa Aayog Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level English Subject:- We will put the Shikshak Sewa Aayog lower secondary level English Subject Exam syllabus in this post. Shikshak Sewa Aayog Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level English Subject:- We will put the Shikshak Sewa Aayog lower secondary level English Subject Exam syllabus in this post.


Read the Ni.Ma.Vi. English Subject Sample Question

We have also put some sample question papers of lower secondary level English subjects of Shikshak Sewa Aayog, Nepal here. Go here to read and view the Shikshak Sewa Aayog, English subject sample question paper.

Read the Shikshak Sewa Aayog Ni.Ma.Vi. objective Question syllabus

If you are preparing for Shikshak Sewa Aayoog (TSC) lower secondary level teacher then you should study the lower secondary level objective question syllabus published by TSC Nepal. Where, All subjects will have 50 objective questions of 100 marks each question will carry 2 marks and total time will be 1 hour.

Download the Shiksahk Sewa Aayog Ni.Ma.Vi Objective Question Syllabus 

Read the Shikshak Sewa Aayog Lower Secondary Level (Ni.Ma.Vi) Curriculum

The TSC Nepal has opened the post of subjective teachers for the lower secondary level. If you are preparing to become a Nepal Government school teacher, here you will find Shikshak Sewa Aayog lower secondary level exam syllabus for all subjects.

Download the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) subjective exam curriculum PDF file you need by clicking on the subject title given below.

  1. Shikshak Sewa Aayog Nepali Subject Exam Curriculum
  2. Shikshak Sewa Aayog Mathematic Subject Exam Curriculum
  3. Shikshak Sewa Aayog Science Subject Exam Curriculum
  4. Shikshak Sewa Aayog Social Subject Exam Curriculum
  5. Shikshak Sewa Aayog Mathematica and Science Subject Exam Curriculum

View and download Shikshak Sewa Aayog Secondary Level All subject Exam Curriculum


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