Previous 2075/76 participated in the SEE examination was four lakhs fifty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy-five students the SEE examination hold on Chaitra, 2075.
SN | Interval in Percentage | Grade | Description | Grade Point | Number of Students |
1 | 90-100 | A+ | Outstanding | 3.6-4 | — |
2 | 80 Below 90 | A | Excellent | 3.2-3.6 | — |
3 | 70 Below 80 | B+ | Very Good | 2.8-3.2 | — |
4 | 60 Below 70 | B | Good | 2.4-2.8 | — |
5 | 50 Below 60 | C+ | Satisfactory | 2-2.4 | — |
6 | 40 Below 50 | C | Acceptable | 1.6-2 | — |
7 | 30 Below 40 | D+ | Partially Acceptable | 1.2-1.6 | — |
8 | 20 Below 30 | D | Insufficient | 0.8-1.2 | — |
9 | 0 Below 20 | E | Very Insufficient | 0-0.8 | — |