Madesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for 4th Level 2079: Pradeshs Public Service Commission Madesh Pradesh, Janakapurdham has advertised for the post of Technician and non-technical 4th level.
In accordance with the State Civil Service Act, 2077, potential candidates of the State Civil Service are notified to fill out the details mentioned in the application form prescribed by the State Public Service Commission for the following posts to be filled by promotion.
The application form can be downloaded from the website of State Public Service Commission, Madhesh Pradesh.
The concerned candidate has to submit one copy of the application form clearly filled in the office of the commission within the last date of submission of application. No action will be taken on applications received after the deadline.
Since the vacant posts of the following services, groups, sub-groups and levels of the State Civil Service have to be filled through the open and inclusive service competitive examination, applications are invited from the candidates who have qualified as follows.
Candidates who meet the prescribed minimum qualifications should apply through the commission’s online application system