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Sixteenth Plan Concept Paper

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Concept paper of the 16th five-year periodic plan (2081/82-2085/86) has been prepared with the idea of ‘good governance, social justice and prosperity’.

The full meeting of the National Planning Commission held on Wednesday has also approved the concept paper.

The new periodic plan aims to maintain good governance in the political, administrative and judicial spheres. In addition, the 16th plan also aims to establish social justice in the areas of health, education, employment and housing, to achieve prosperity in social life, economic development and the national economy.

In the concept paper, the new periodical plan has set a strategy of ‘achieving good governance, social justice and prosperity through structural transformation while identifying, addressing and solving the structural obstacles seen in development work’.

In relation to the implementation of the plan, it is mentioned that a strategy will be taken to strengthen the inter-relationship and functional capacity between the concerned bodies of all levels and parties, to make efforts for policy making and development based on studies and research and facts.

In order to strengthen the overall economic base, the strengthening of the primary sector, the development and expansion of the secondary sector and the stability of the service sector will be maintained. is

In order to increase production and productivity, a policy has been taken to ensure a timely, quality and cost-effective supply system of all types of resources and means of production, while emphasis has been placed on the production and deployment of knowledge, skills, efficiency and energetic labor force according to market demand.


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