Budhanilkantha School has requested an application for scholarship.
Under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, applications are requested for Budhanilkanth School, Kathmandu and partnership programs.
Applications have been requested to select students from underprivileged communities on scholarship for free or subsidized study from Class 5 onwards and teach them with residential facilities.
It has been mentioned in the notice that the application should be submitted by 10 o’clock on the next Chait 28th. To be selected, B.S. Born from 2069/01/01 to 2070/12/30th and must have studied regularly in public schools in at least class 3 and class 4 and completed class 4 studies in the academic session 2079.
For the scholarship, students will be selected through interviews based on the merit order of the results of the written competitive examination to represent different geographical areas and target communities.
The written exam will be conducted on Tuesday, Chait 28, 2079 at 11 am.