All Province Public Results of Social Subjects

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The Teachers Service Commission (Shikshak Sewa Aayog) – -TSC Nepal has published the results of the written examination of social subjects for the lower secondary level, third grade, teacher posts in Gandaki, Lumbini and Soudur Paschim provinces.

Today’s meeting of the commission announced the results of the subject written examination held on June 25.

Shikshak Sewa Aayog has mentioned in the results published by the Teacher Service Commission that the interview will be conducted from December 15th to December 4th. According to the Commission, candidates who are not satisfied with the results published by the Commission should apply within 11th of December.

View Lower Secondary Level Social Subject Exam Result

Gandaki Pradesh Social Subject Result

Lumbani Pradesh Social Subject Result

Sudur Pashim Pradesh Social Subject Result


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